Verizon is updating parts of your Customer Agreement. In the “Billing and Payments” section we are changing the amount of the late fee that will be assessed in the event we don’t receive your payment on time from $5 to $7 (or 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance, whichever is greater), as allowed by law in the state of your billing address. In the “What are Verizon’s rights to limit or end Service or end this Agreement?” section we are clarifying policies regarding statistically abnormal data use on 5G Home Internet or LTE Home Internet plans. In the “HOW DO I RESOLVE DISPUTES WITH VERIZON?” section we are: updating the rules and procedures regarding selection of an arbitrator and the authority thereof; clarifying the time within which an arbitrator should resolve claims; updating the rules and procedures for bellwether arbitrations and mediation proceedings; and clarifying that the Customer Agreement is governed by federal law and the laws of the state encompassing the billing address associated with your account.