Reply Email for Quotation Request

Reply email for quotation request

It is an email that a service provider writes to his/her prospective clients who have requested the quotation earlier. A service provider who does not want to lose his customers will always reply to the clients with email.

Writing an email is more convenient than writing a letter as it allows a person to be quick in responding to the client. The client must have sent a request for quotation to various sellers who love to receive the quotation quickly so that he can know if he wants to proceed with the given quote or not.

A seller has to be responsive especially when he doesn’t want to lose his clients. When the seller does not respond, the client looks for another seller. The response email should be written concisely, and it should be ensured that it answers all the questions of the client who has previously asked for the quotation. This email convinces the reader into accepting the quote.

Follow the tips given below:

  1. Refer to the request of the client to which the email is being drafted in response
  2. Transparently give the quote so that everything is well-understood.
  3. Show what you expect from the reader after receiving the quote.
  4. End the email by letting the reader know that you are looking forward to the response of the client

Below are two sample emails written as a reply to the email in which the interested buyer asked for the quote.

Sample Email 1:

Re: Quotation # [NUMBER]

This email is being sent to you in response to the request for a quotation received from you. I am very happy to help you with the request to provide you with the quotation. Here is a list of products we offer along with their key features and prices.


We usually offer a 10% discount to our regular customers who make more than two purchases from our company in a month. Furthermore, we always deliver our valuable products at the doorstep of the customer with no delivery charges.

If you want to get more details regarding the price quotation we have given, you should not hesitate to contact us on our official phone numbers or email us at our official email address.

Reply email for quotation request

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Sample email for quotation request:

Re: Quotation upon request No. 32532

This email is being written to you in response to the request for the bid that we received from you. Thank you so much for choosing ABC company for buying solar panels to meet your energy needs. Here is the quote for the products we sell:

Monocrystalline solar panelPure silicon, black color5045.00$
Polycrystalline solar panelSilicon crystals, affordable, lower heat tolerance10057.00$
Passivated emitter and rear cell panelsHigher solar radiation absorb rate, silicon wafers3967.00$
Thin-film solar panelSolar cells with the variable count, are lighter, and easy to install4920.00$

We provide solar panels to our customers as per the demands of their business. The quantity of plates also keeps changing with the varying requests. Every part of the panels goes through the complete process of quality assurance.

Note: We have not included the specifications of each and every solar panel in detail here. There are pros and cons of each plate which have also not been mentioned here.

I am very happy to provide you with the information that you have requested, and I will be glad to discuss with you more if you want. Feel free to contact me at [CONTACT].

I would appreciate it if you wanted to have a discussion on customized solar panel plates for your company. Our company seeks pride in meeting the needs of its customers. I am looking forward to a kind and positive response from your side.

Reply email for quotation request

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