Within unincorporated Washoe County, the Community Services Department Business License team is available to support local government licensing for new and expanding businesses and renewals for our standing business community.
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Most Important Questions:
Do I need a business license in Washoe County?
You will need a Washoe County business license if your place of business (or home if you have a home-based business):
Neighborhoods in unincorporated Washoe County include: Cold Springs, Lemmon Valley, Verdi/Mogul, Incline Village or Crystal Bay, Wadsworth, Gerlach or Empire, Red Rock or Rancho Haven, Warm Springs, Geiger Grade, Spanish Springs, Washoe Valley, Golden Valley, Sun Valley (among others).
Am I in unincorporated Washoe County? Check your jurisdiction on our simple map. Red is the City of Reno. Green is the City of Sparks and yellow is unincorporated Washoe County, Nevada. Which businesses don't require a business license?
The following businesses do not require a Washoe County business license:
•Providing childcare in private homes to six or fewer children.
•Garage and/or yard sales which are less than 72 hours in duration and/or do not occur more than twice on the same property in any 6 month period.
•Telecommuting from home by employees of a business located elsewhere.
•Informal, casual, or seasonal work performed by minors (for example, babysitting or lawn mowing).
•Parades or processions
These activities may require a permit through the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, and/or the jurisdiction has authority over the public road (for example, NDOT or County Roads). Please contact these agencies for more information.
Start applications for a new Washoe County Business License with our Business Tool Kit. Kit includes five step simplified process to obtain your business license, quick checklist for acquiring support documentation, and helpful contacts for our regional partnering agencies.