Renewable And Nonrenewable Resources Quiz

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Renewable And Nonrenewable Resources Quiz - Quiz

There are two types of resources on earth Renewable and Nonrenewable; nonrenewable resources can not be replenished once they are depleted. This quiz will test your knowledge about how much you know about the topic. The quiz will not only test you but will also provide you with valuable knowledge about the topic. So if you want to know more about it, take this informative quiz. If you like the quiz, do share it with your friends and family. All the best!

Questions and Answers

What are some renewable energy sources?

Sun, wind, water, and biomass Sun, coal, and wind Wind, water, and gasoline Sun, water, and coal Correct Answer
A. Sun, wind, water, and biomass

The correct answer is sun, wind, water, and biomass. These are all examples of renewable energy sources. The sun provides solar energy, which can be converted into electricity through solar panels. Wind energy is generated by wind turbines. Water can be used to generate hydroelectric power through dams and turbines. Biomass refers to organic matter that can be burned or converted into fuel, such as wood or agricultural waste, to produce energy. These sources are considered renewable because they are naturally replenished and do not deplete finite resources.

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What happens to the atmosphere when fossil fuels are used?

The fossil fuels go into the earth and cause earthquakes

The Co2 released from burning these go into the atmosphere and make it thicker making sun rays trapped with in the atmosphere

The fossil fuels go into our water supply which poisons us Animals eat the fossil fuels which makes them go extinct

Correct Answer
B. The Co2 released from burning these go into the atmospHere and make it thicker making sun rays trapped with in the atmospHere

When fossil fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This increase in CO2 levels thickens the atmosphere, causing the sun rays to get trapped within it. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect, and it leads to global warming and climate change.

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What happens if we keep using non renewable resources?

When we use it the resource goes away Nothing happens When we run out it will replenish itself We will eventually run out of the resources Correct Answer
D. We will eventually run out of the resources

If we continue to use non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels, without finding alternative sources or implementing sustainable practices, we will eventually deplete these resources. Non-renewable resources are finite and take millions of years to form, so once they are used up, they cannot be replenished within a human lifespan. This can lead to energy shortages, environmental degradation, and economic instability. Therefore, it is crucial to transition towards renewable energy sources and adopt sustainable practices to ensure a stable and sustainable future.

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What is the key difference between non renewable and renewable resources?

There is no difference Non renewable resources eventually are harder to use, but renewable resources are easy to use

Non renewable runs out and will never replenish itself or take a long time to replenish, but renewable resources constantly replenish itself

Non renewable resources work faster, and renewable works slower

Correct Answer
C. Non renewable runs out and will never replenish itself or take a long time to replenish, but renewable resources constantly replenish itself

Non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels, have a finite supply and once they are depleted, they cannot be replenished within a reasonable timeframe. On the other hand, renewable resources, like solar or wind energy, are constantly replenished by natural processes and can be used indefinitely without running out. This key difference highlights the sustainability of renewable resources and the limited availability of non-renewable resources.