For over 25 years, C. J. Date's An Introduction to Database Systems has been the authoritative resource for readers interested in gaining insight into and understanding of the principles of database systems. This revision continues to provide a solid grounding in the foundations of database technology and to provide some ideas as to how the field is likely to develop in the future.. "Readers of this book will gain a strong working knowledge of the overall structure, concepts, and objectives of database systems and will become familiar with the theoretical principles underlying the construction of such systems.
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Pomortsev L and Tsurkov V (2019). Algebraization of Inferring Functional Dependences in Relational Databases, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International , 58 :2 , (212-228), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2019 .
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Park J and Suh J (2017). Effects of Domain Familiarity on Conceptual Modeling Performance, Journal of Database Management , 28 :2 , (27-55), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017 .
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Darwen H, Date C and Fagin R A normal form for preventing redundant tuples in relational databases Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Database Theory, (114-126)
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